OUR services

Expansion to growth markets

Want to expand and diversify into an emerging market with your product or service? We work with companies to sustainably scale inclusive products and services to high-growth markets.  


  • Market entry, piloting and testing in new markets

  • Distribution strategy for emerging markets

  • Investment readiness and matchmaking with impact investors.


Are you looking to future-proof your value chain and ensure compliance with EU regulations e.g. CSDDD or EUDR? We help organisations to make their global value chains more sustainable and inclusive, mitigate business risk and comply with EU regulations.


  • Sustainability strategy for compliance and reporting

  • Find suppliers with the highest environmental and social standards

  • Strategy to include smallholder producers in your value chain


Are you interested in measuring, evaluating, reporting or communicating your impact? We specialize in guiding businesses to design impact strategies that align with their values and goals and to connect to impact investors through understanding, measuring, and communicating their social and environmental impact.


  • Design and implement strategies for measuring, evaluating and reporting impact

  • Impact communication campaign

  • Explore and connect to impact investors


For West Swedish businesses and SMEs we see that there are hindrances if they wish to do business in developing markets, to reach those target groups, they need some structure for help and advice.

Olsaro got support in market research and finding business partners globally, and that was a real value creation for Olsaro, they really docked into our current need working where we really wanted work to be done, so really tailor-made for us.