Green Economy Ghana

Active Project

”Developing a thriving and inclusive Green Economy in Ghana” is an initiative which addresses the issue youth unemployment, gender inequalities, and returnees reinsertion, and promotes sustainable growth in the sectors on Plastic Waste Management, Organic Waste Management, and Sustainable Forestry in Ghana.

In order to integrate young people and vulnerable groups into the labour markets, the initiative will offer technical and entrepreneurial training to 400 people (mainly women), and will foster the creation of Micro Small and Medium Enterprises in the aforementioned  sectors. It will also be directly assisting participants in their insertion to the job market and mentoring them in the creation and management of MSMEs.

The initiative will be engaging 75 Scandinavian and Ghanaian companies from   the   aforementioned   sectors,  involving   them   in   sector-specific workshops and dialogues to identify sector growth and workforce capacity development opportunities in Ghana, and giving them opportunities to provide internships, mentorship and jobs to trained women and youth.

For more information about the project, please contact us at

 Partners and Funders

The Project is implemented by a consortium led  by Inclusive Business Partners (IBP), Ghana-Sweden Chamber of Commerce (GSCC), YMCA Ghana, Social Enterprise Ghana (SEG), and Sweden-West Africa Business Association (SWABA). The project will be running from September 2020 to September 2022 in Ghana.

The project is financed by the EU programme ARCHIPELAGO, a 4-year programme, funded by the European Union Emergency Trust Fund (EUTF), whose main objective is to strengthen the employability of young people and support job creation in the Sahel and Lake Chad countries (Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Chad, Côte d’Ivoire, Gambia, Ghana, Guinea, Mali, Mauritania, Niger, Nigeria, Senegal). Total (all countries) Archipelago budget: 15 million euro; start: January 2019 – end: January 2023; contact:;