Go Africa - Tech for Good


Digital technology is becoming a powerful tool for meeting development needs across sub-Saharan Africa. For example, agri-tech solutions have improved agricultural practices and the lives of millions of farmers, and online healthcare solutions can help to reach remote communities. This presents a great business opportunity for Swedish companies which are perceived to have strong digital capabilities.

Go Africa – Tech for Good is funded by the Swedish Regional Agency for Growth (Tillväxtverket) provided free business support to ten Swedish digital SMEs wanting to enter or scale in sub-Saharan African markets.

Participants received custom-made advice and support. They chose 1-2 of the following focus areas:

  • Identification of new potential markets for current products/services
  • Local partner identification and matchmaking
  • Adaptation and development of business model
  • Customer and marketing approaches
  • Identification of funding opportunities

The programme ran from November 2019 to June 2020.

Applications are still open for Swedish companies with a digital solution.

Interested? Find out more here. To apply, please send us a short email on goafrica@inclusivebusiness.se.

First come, first served!


Go Africa Tech For Good